Saturday, 19 May 2012


A Simple Confession

For the first time our eyes’ met
I know that we’re fated to each other
You may see me as a fool liar
But I swear this is true (oh, baby trust me trust me)
You’re the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever met
This is just an ordinary love story (to others)
Between you and I

Our first meeting may be awkward
We were like strangers (Yeah... completely)
I knew that you felt uneasy by my presence
We tried to find our chemistry

As time passed
We grew fonder for each other
Strolling by the street, holding each other hands’
Eating the street food,
You, sleeping on my shoulder
We watch the sunset by the shore together
And I still remember your soft lips (when they touch mine, mine)
Ah… I wish that time please stop right now

We fell in love
I’m totally fall for you babe
You are different from any other girls
That always clinging by my side
My eyes’ are only set on you, dear
Is this what they called LOVE?

Our love story may not be as great as others like
Fiona and Shrek
Romeo and Juliet
Beauty and the Beast
But I just want you to know that
I’m your boy and you’re my girl

This heart of yours
Never stop beating
And I want to let the world know that
Will you be mine forever?

p/s: i found this song in someone's blog (ask for his permission first, OF COURSE!) and i don't why... it just that i really love this whole lyric. he wrote it for his girlfriend and of course it all based on their love relationship experience. so sweet~~ >/////<

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